
Vision and Mission

Our mission

We develop, gather and provide reliable and relevant information, analysis and tools to advance knowledge, raise awareness and exchange occupational safety and health (OSH) information and good practice which will serve the needs of those involved in OSH.

Our Vision

To be a recognised leader promoting healthy and safe workplaces in South Africa based on training, participation and the development of an OSH risk prevention culture, to ensure a smart, sustainable, productive and inclusive economy.

Our Values


  • Be approachable and responsive, professional and courteous.
  • Provide high quality services in a timely manner.


  • Be honest, fair, ethical, consistent, and reliable.
  • Act as ambassadors of safety, health and environmental responsibility.
  • Practice good stewardship and environmental resources.


  • Find creative ways to solve problems.
  • Learn from our community and beyond; adapt innovative ideas to meet the needs of the clients and students.


  • Treat everyone in the community equitably with dignity, courtesy and respect.
  • Make training, consultations and services accessible and understandable.
  • Strive to understand the work and study cultures within our industry and their differing needs.


  • Focus on partnering rather than policing health, safety and compliance.
  • Foster robust relationships with our stakeholders and customers.


  • Strive to be recognized as leaders within the institution and our field.
  • Continuously support and encourage professional development of OHS to expand technical expertise and knowledge.

Safe working environment

It is essential for every company or establishment to have a dedicated health and safety team which has been trained by a competent and accredited health and safety training team, in order to protect:

  • Employees and visitors from unnecessary injury, illness, disability or even death;
  • The company and its staff from hazards such as fires and unexpected accidents and incidents;
  • The businesses assets and the general environment;
  • Workers from exposure to unnecessary chronic occupational illness;
  • The business against unnecessary financial losses and insurance claims.

Looking after the health and safety of the employees is not an option; it is an obligation! The more dangerous the industry, the riskier it becomes for everyone to ignore health and safety compliance and health and safety training in the company.

Each of these courses has something unique to offer and training staff in different courses can provide your company with a great foundation for a progressive and effective occupational health and safety system.

It’s important to note that there are occupational health and safety courses and training that are required to be an occupational health and safety act legally compliant and other courses that are not required but assist in boosting the effectiveness, quality and preparedness of your health and safety team, committee, processes and ultimately the wellbeing of all the employees

Certificates are issued after successful completion of a theoretical and practical competency assessment.

For businesses, health and safety training is a legal OHS act requirement as it creates a healthy, safe and prepared working environment for all employees and simultaneously assists the company in achieving OHS act legal compliance.

According to Section 8 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Act 85 of 1993) “General duties of employers to their employees” – all employers must, provide and maintain a safe, healthy working environment that is without risk to employees

Compliance with the OHS Act reduces the risk of possible fines and criminal liability from the Department of Labour for non-compliance.

Compliance also has a host of other benefits such as reduced employee absenteeism due to injury, increased employee productivity due to a positive, healthy and safe working environment.

Being OHS compliant is not an option; it’s an obligation which all CEO’s, employers and employees must enforce and implement if they want to ensure that they remain OHS act and Department of Labour compliant, as well as ensuring that their primary assets are kept healthy and safe.